Tim Skinner
My principal place of residence is in the Nelson City Council area. I am also standing for At Large Councillor.
Tim Skinner is a born & bred Nelsonian with a passion for social justice issues, environmental wellbeing, and building a healthy vibrant safe community. As a City Councillor (9 years) & Committee Chair (6 years), he's proven to be grounded, resilient and community focused. With business skills, Tim has consistently championed to keep rate rises down. He's been a strong voice for families and local businesses and ensuring genuine transparent public engagement. Also shown he's not afraid to speak his mind, and improve the culture of Council. Tim has a strong desire for our city to be economically secure and an affordable place to live and raise a family for future generations. He is married with four children, successfully run his own business for over 20 years, embraces Nelson's lifestyle, and an active sportsman.